Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Setiap daripada kita selalu risau tentang ozon  bumi yang kian nipis tetapi berapa ramai dikalangan kita yang khuatir tentang ozon diri sendiri? Setiap daripada  kita juga mempunyai ozon yang dikenali sebagai Aura (Auric)
Aura adalah haba warna yang berada disekeliling kita.bila aura ini tidak seimbang maka kita akan mudah diserang kelemahan .rawatan warna ada merupakan   salah satu cara dimana untuk menyimbangkan keadaan aura sesaorang itu
Kelemahan bahagian semangat –aura mereka putih
Kelemahan bahagian mental –aura mereka hijau
Kelemahan bahagian emosi – aura mereka pink
Kelemahan bahagian  Fizikal –aura mereka biru

 Become a chakra energy healer
With the sudden craze for eastern medicine hitting the west, we have seen more and more energy healers pop up offering an array of healing services. One of the most popular trends is balancing of chakras. A chakra is an energy center or point in one’s body where energy flows through. The most popular is the Hindu belief system of seven main chakras in one’s body. Each correlating with a specific color, area in the body, and purpose. When an area becomes weak or closed, not allowing a flow of energy, that area can be affected negatively.
More often, people are now turning to alternative methods to cure and relieve stresses in the body. Chakra balancing or opening of all seven chakras for strong energy flow is becoming more popular as a first method of treatment.
To become a chakra healer, one can take classes that teach them to become attuned to their own chakra energy centers and how to channel that energy. Students are encouraged to discover what physical ailments are associated with the different chakras so they may direct their healing accordingly. There is no formal training required for most healers, however, individual healing locations may have their own individual requirements for employment. Advanced systems such as the Auracloud and Aura Video Station by Inneractive Enterprises offer unique reports detailing chakra health. It is highly recommended that chakra healers obtain systems that are able to distinguish blocked areas for the ultimate healing experience. Clients are asked to place their hand on corresponding sensors to measure energy fields and chakra vitality levels.
Once obtaining formal training, either by course or teacher, a healer should practice their work on clients aware of their beginner  skills. When a student feels confident enough to have accurately balanced many clients, they can go out on their own. Using tools like the Auracloud can ensure success in determining closed or weak chakras, necessary for healings. Marketing your skills and offering your services is also key to start building a clientele base. Word of mouth advertising is also a good tool to building your practice as an energy healer

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